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Memorandum of Understanding 2022-2027 between SWSPCP and CPA


Number of Visitors239

Memorandum of Understanding 2022-2027 between Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) and Construction and Planning Agency (CPA), Ministry of the Interior For a Regional Strategic Program of Action
in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

RECOGNIZING the importance of Taiwan’s aquatic and wetland ecosystems, spanning from headwaters to oceans, as significant components of Taiwan’s environment;
NOTING that the health of these freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems is threatened by a wide variety of anthropogenic activities;
NOTING that these ecosystems are critical for Taiwan’s sustainability, and are an important economic resource in sectors such as aquaculture, fisheries, and ecotourism;
AWARE OF shared economic, environmental, and social objectives, by the leadership of CPA and SWSPCP and other organizations, in promoting, coordinating, and sharing scientific expertise and knowledge of these ecosystems; and
FURTHER NOTING the common interests, interactions, and involvements of the CPA and SWSPCP, and other organizations in expanding the international scope, membership, and influence of their respective organizations on common economic and environmental issues with the intention of coordinating and sharing scientific knowledge of wetland and aquatic ecosystems;
CPA and SWSPCP AGREE to promote the scientific study and restoration of wetland ecosystems as well as education and outreach to promote wetland conservation via cooperation and action between the parties named in this MOU. The parties specifically agree to the following:
Goals: Promoting the sustainability of Taiwanese wetlands through training, cooperative conferences and workshops, and interdisciplinary exchanges of scientists and managers.

To promote the visibility and sustainability of programs administered by international wetland organizations
The SWS, CPA, or both organizations will financially support wetland professionals and seed Researcher’s (Student) in Taiwan to participate in wetland seminars, workshops, courses, and lectures, etc; and provide advice, counseling, and referrals to assist undergraduate and graduate students from Taiwan apply for post-graduate studies in the wetland sciences and aquatic ecosystems in the US and other parts of the world.

Introduce Expanding the SWS wetland scientist professional wetland scientist (PWS) certification program
Expanding the SWS PCP to includes a curriculum and instructors that are familiar with Taiwan’s wetland ecosystems to provide the training and education needed for Taiwan’s wetland scientist to become certified SWS PWSs., This will require the SWS PCP and CPA to develop and implement a program that is inclusive of funding, technical resources, instructors, and other forms of administrative support accordingly. Negotiation of contracts will be conducted separately.
To strengthen Taiwan's participation in international organizations and its visibility at international wetland events:
Through inviting representatives from signed parties to participate in annual meetings, and/or workshops, conferences and conventions, and supporting the proposal to have an SWS Annual Meeting hosted in Taiwan by the signed parties. This include funding, technological and related administrative support by the parties; meetings details (especially those involving significant financial commitments) may be further outlined in a specific MOU pertaining to the meeting itself.
To expand participation in wetland projects on cross-border research, survey, monitoring, restoration, and management projects:
By providing opportunities for trans-boundary wetland research projects between the signed parties to enhance scientific rigor and sound wetland science practices; and supporting interdisciplinary scientific exchange and cooperative platforms for wetland training, research, education, and social services on a multilateral basis for future cooperation.

This Memorandum of Cooperation shall continue for six (6) years past the date of approval by both Parties, unless amended or terminated. One year before the term of this Memorandum, both Parties will review it and agree to renew it, amend it or terminate it by the 6-year anniversary.
This Agreement may be terminated by either Party subject to written notice of six months. In case the Memorandum ceases to be in effect on account of termination thereof, existing cooperation shall continue to the extent necessary for the completion of existing, agreed activities.

Memorandum of Understanding 2022-2027 between SWSPCP and CPA

Memorandum of Understanding 2022-2027 between SWSPCP and CPA