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Taiwan's Wetland Ramsar Citizen

About wetlands

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About wetlands


Number of Visitors2194

Wetlands provide food and sanctuary to sustain the various organisms that reside within them. The stability of the wetland is crucial to maintaining the inter-dependence of the various organisms, as it provides various tangible and intangible services to the extrinsic environments in the form of food supply and pollution clearance. Faced with the threats of global climate change and human destruction, the stability and biodiversity of wetlands are now more precious and irreplaceable than ever.

In Taiwan, the “Wetland Conservation Act” was approved by the Legislative Yuan in 2013 and promulgated on February 2, 2015, and is an important milestone in the promotion of wetland conservation. Under this Act, we will continue to strengthen the efforts of wetland conservation and wise use, working together with related government agencies and local governments, civil organizations, and communities to maintain the natural flood control functions of wetlands and their biodiversity. Moreover, we will carry out “wise use” of wetlands and to ensure that “no net loss” is achieved concerning wetland usage.